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Organic fertilizer production line processing fertilizer should pay attention to what problems


 When processing fertilizers in organic fertilizer production lines, the following important issues need to be paid attention to:

1. Raw material quality: Choose high-quality organic raw materials, such as livestock manure, straw, vegetable residue, etc., the quality of raw materials directly affects the quality of the final organic fertilizer.

2. Ratio ratio: reasonable collocation of raw materials, determine the mixing ratio, ensure that various raw materials are fully mixed, and the proportion of organic substances and inorganic substances is appropriate.

3. Ventilation: In the composting process to ensure ventilation, can be used to turn the pile or use ventilation equipment to ensure that the internal oxygen of the compost pile is sufficient to promote fermentation.

4. Fermentation temperature: Control the fermentation temperature of compost, generally at about 50, too high or too low will affect the fermentation effect.

5. Fermentation time: Reasonable control of fermentation time, generally need to determine the appropriate fermentation cycle according to different raw materials and processes.

6. Adding bactericide: Organic bactericide or composite microbial bactericide can be added appropriately to help accelerate the fermentation speed and improve the quality of organic fertilizer.

7. Finished product quality testing: Quality testing of finished organic fertilizer, including organic matter content, nutrient content and other indicators, to ensure that the product meets the relevant standards.

8. Equipment maintenance: Regular maintenance of organic fertilizer equipment to ensure the normal operation of equipment and improve production efficiency.

The above problems need special attention when processing fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line, and reasonable treatment of these problems can ensure the production of high-quality and environmentally friendly organic fertilizer products.