The appropriate temperature is crucial to the use of the fermentation compost turning machine, mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. The influence of temperature on the fermentation process of organic fertilizer production line: in the early stage of fermentation, the temperature gradually rises, and the medium-temperature microorganisms begin to flourish, decompose organic matter and generate heat. When the temperature reaches above 45 ° C, complex organic matter begins to decompose violently, while humus begins to form. When the temperature drops to about 40 ° C, the medium-temperature microorganisms begin to reproduce again, and the remaining difficult-to-decompose substances are degraded under the action of fungi, and the materials enter the stage of decomposition.
2. Temperature control: the fermentation temperature is regulated through heap turning and forced ventilation. Turning the pile can transfer the heat inside the compost to the outside and reduce the temperature inside the compost. Ventilation takes away heat by sending fresh air inside the compost.
3. Correctly measure the temperature: When measuring the internal temperature of the compost, the metal rod of the thermometer should be longer than 30 cm and inserted into the compost more than 30 cm to correctly reflect the fermentation temperature of the compost.
4. Affect microbial activity: temperature has a significant impact on microbial growth and metabolism. Different microorganisms grow and metabolize in different temperature ranges, so the temperature needs to be adjusted according to the fermentation stage and the needs of the microorganisms.
To sum up, the appropriate temperature has a direct impact on the use of the fermentation pile turning machine. By reasonably controlling the temperature in the fermentation process, the fermentation efficiency can be improved, the fermentation period can be shortened, and the quality of organic fertilizer can be ensured.