The organic fertilizer production goes through fermentation, stirring, crushing, forming, granulation, drying, packaging and other processing processes. Why can organic fertilizer equipment ferment quickly? First of all, it is necessary to talk about composting. Composting is the process of microbial oxidation, degradation and mixing of organic matter. This exothermic process generates a considerable amount of energy, only 40% to 50% of which can be synthesized by microorganisms into ATP, and the remaining energy is lost in the form of heat. A large amount of heat causes the temperature of the compost to rise, and may even reach 70-90°C. This phenomenon is called "microbial suicide". In fact, high temperature limits the growth of microorganisms and reduces the degradation rate of organic matter. In order to obtain high degradation rate and biodiversity, the temperature must be between 30~45°C.
In fact, in the composting process, the high temperature stage cannot be completely excluded, because this is an important period for reducing plant pathogens. In addition, in the early stage of the composting process, the high temperature stage will last for a while, and a large number of easily degradable molecules can support 70 °C.
In ventilation systems, the main heat removal mechanism is cooling evaporation (water evaporation), which can remove about 80%-90% of heat. In this system, the conduction effect of heat dissipation may be minimal. At this time, the organic fertilizer production equipment compost turning machine can be used for turning operations to promote the evaporation of water and the rapid reproduction of beneficial microorganisms during the accumulation of organic fertilizers.
Why can the organic fertilizer compost turning machine water evaporation and control the stacking temperature? This is because the organic fertilizer stacker will break up the compacted compost material during the throwing process, throw it into the air and then fall back. Although this process is simple, it can loosen the compost material, greatly improve ventilation, and enable beneficial microorganisms to multiply rapidly in an appropriate temperature range, thereby accelerating the decomposition of the compost heap.